Pulling Together in Restoration
Funding: Washington Coast Restoration & Resiliency Initiative/ Washington Recreation & Conservation Office
The Pulling Together in Restoration project (PTIR) is an innovative invasive species program applied across six coastal watersheds to eliminate new threats and establish a process for ongoing containment; addressing a suite of invasives that affect riparian forest growth and habitats, and are introduced by activities including construction of restoration projects. The solution lies in combining ED/RR and on-the-ground control utilizing trained and local mobile strike teams.
Pulling Together
We work with many partners, including tribes, resource agencies, cities, county weed boards, local fishing guides, and land trusts to conduct cross-jurisdictional coordination, ongoing education and public awareness – creating an invasive species response infrastructure to incorporate their prevention and control into every aspect of landscape management. The scale and comprehensive nature of this program provides a model for invasive species control in the region that can be exported widely, and ideally, becomes a standard investment in all watersheds.
See the attached summary for details: PTIR Project Summary and PTIR 2021 WCRRI Fact Sheet