Working toward community, ecological, and climate resilience in the Pacific Northwest
Our Mission
We evaluate the effects of human activities on natural environments – the forests, rivers, wetlands and estuaries that sustain our communities and ecosystems. Through development of innovative, science-based approaches to restore ecological integrity, we promote sustainable practices in landscapes across the region.
About Us
10,000 Years Institute is a Washington non-profit corporation, with its principal office on the West Coast. It incorporated in 1992, and gained federal 501(c)(3) status in 1993. Those involved in the Institute are scientists and community activists with backgrounds in ecology, geology, fisheries, and forestry. 10,000 Years Institute seeks and develops partnerships with other non-profit organizations, Native American tribes and nations, government agencies and other resource managers; and may also act independently.
Our Vision
The “10,000 Years” refers to the most recent climatic-geologic period in which our local Pacific Northwest landscape evolved, and to the temporal framework within which sustainable resource management approaches must be developed. Our vision integrates the natural and human history of the earth’s imperiled forest and riverine ecosystems in the development of sustainable approaches to resource use.